web design
I support creative business owners in accomplishing their design dreams.
Baking is supposed to be fun, right?! Taryn Camp, the food content creator behind Life and Sprinkles, totally gets this. She’s known for sharing fun and colorful dessert ideas (with lots of sprinkles, of course!). We worked together to transform my Honey Nut template into a fun and functional new Showit food blog website for her brand.
Taryn wanted to use her exisiting branding for this project, rather than creating fresh concepts. This made sense because she was already happy with her signature colors, fonts, and logo designs! She loved my Honey Nut template, so that is what we used as a starting point for her new website. Look past the modern and earthy aesthetic of the template and you’ll notice that its versatile layout can really work for any blog! As soon as I updated the template with Taryn’s bright, playful colors and fonts it started feeling like a different website.
A few other details that I added to give this website a more playful vibe are:
Besides colors and aesthetic, one of Taryn’s biggest goals for her new website was to improve the experience of navigating the site. To keep things simple and clear, I highlighted four main options in the top menu. There is also a pop-out button that visitors can use to view a more detailed menu. The recipe index section used throughout the site links to Taryn’s main recipe categories. It also highlights 3 subcategories. The main categories are listed again in the footer so that if someone still hasn’t clicked anything by the time they get to the bottom of the page, they can easily decide where to go next. Having an easy-to-navigate blog is all about giving people plenty of opportunities to explore!
Your About page is the perfect place to share more personality and connect with readers. Taryn was already doing a great job with this, so we kept most of the About content from her old website. I then translated it into a more dynamic layout using fun sections from the Honey Nut template.
For example, instead of just listing out her favorite things, we included an interactive “This or That” game where visitors can click to guess the answers! Making a website more interactive is a great way to keep the visitor’s attention and invite them into your story.
It was so much fun getting to help Taryn turn one of my Showit templates into her beautiful new website! Be sure to check out the new lifeandsprinkles.com live!
If you’re looking for the perfect start to your new blog design, check out all of the templates in my shop here.
And if you need help choosing a template, take my free Website Style Quiz to get matched with your best options! (A discount code is also waiting for you at the end of the quiz!!)