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I support creative business owners in accomplishing their design dreams.
As business owners who care deeply about the people we serve, it’s so exciting when we see our clients experiencing wins. In this episode of the podcast, copywriter Jess Jordana walks us through how we can create opportunities for client transformation. We talk about how offering a safe space and being willing to “listen with a filter” allows us to support the needs of others – both in life and business. This episode has lots of takeaways for you to apply to your business – be ready to take notes!
Jess Jordana is a copywriter (a.k.a. heart translator) who helps creative business owners turn their passion into words people actually “get.” She runs Jess, XO, a copywriting agency for creative entrepreneurs and is the founder of The Promptlate® Shop. She drinks iced coffee all year round, and firmly believes if date night isn’t tacos, you’re doing it wrong. She couldn’t do a day in business without her cute hubs (Presley), her brand new baby girl (Parker Jane), and her doodle pup (Joey Tribbiani). She’s worked with everyone from solopreneurs to organizations like The Rising Tide Society, The GUIDE Culture, CEO School, and The Social Bungalow but her most impressive accomplishment is surviving teaching in the high school classroom and getting to meet her former students for coffee when they come back from college. She’s a brand new mama and is so grateful to be able to navigate what building (and re-building) her dream business can look like in balance with building her dream life.
If you loved what Jess had to share and want to learn more from her, you can stay in touch with her on Instagram. Her website has more information about her copywriting services and Promptlate Shop (for Creatives who want to DIY their own copy)! I used the Promptlates for a lot of my own website copy, and am a fan!