The podcast is on summer break! For June and July, I’ll be releasing shorter mini-episodes focused on revisiting key topics from past interviews. Each episode will have actionable takeaways for you to dive deep into so that you can apply what you’ve learned to your business and life.
About This Deep Dive:
You’ve probably heard someone say “my industry is just so saturated” before. With so much going on these days, it can feel hard to cut through the noise and reach your people. I asked Instagram Strategist Natasha Samuel how she found her voice in such a popular niche. Natasha shared that it comes down to intentionally seeking out your own strengths and beliefs without fear of failure, and quieting the voices of others while you do that.
The Takeaways:
Tips to help you find your unique brand perspective:
- Don’t be afraid to experiment (and fail) on the path to finding what sets you apart
- Things that Natasha discovered where her differentiators – her methodology, beliefs, what she saw the best results with
- Consume less content from your competitors
- Focus on your values and understand that it’s okay to think differently/have an opinion – this can start great conversations!
Listen to the Full Interview: Episode 10 / How to be a More Inclusive Leader by Owning Your Values with Natasha Samuel