maya palmer

Showit vs WordPress: How to Decide Which is Best for Your Creative Business



November 30, 2020
Person working on laptop
  1. I had never heard of Showit but thank you for this info.. I am struggling with WP. I was thinking of getting elementor and just having someone redesign my cover photo to look more professional. It’s still a work in progress

    • Maya Palmer says:

      Hi Deborah! So sorry to hear that you’re struggling with WordPress. I definitely think that Showit could be an option worth exploring if you’re having trouble customizing your site. I’ll be sharing more resources on what it’s like to switch to Showit soon!

  2. Whitney says:

    Other than saving time, is there any value to the premium show it templates vs. the free ones? Like are things better for SEO, structured any differently or does it just come down to done for you? Thank you! I’ve building a WordPress website for months and am throwing in the towel.

    • Maya Palmer says:

      Hi Whitney! So sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with WordPress, I definitely recommend giving Showit a try. I would say the higher priced the template, the more it “looks like a custom website.” But of course there are exceptions to this! I’ve found that free templates tend to be more minimal as far as layouts go, while the premium templates are more detailed. Any template you purchase should be designed with SEO in mind. If you need help picking out a template, I have a freebie that walks you through choosing one that’s a good fit for your business: Happy to answer any additional questions you have. You can email me at or send me a DM on Insta (@mayapalmerdesigns).