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I support creative business owners in accomplishing their design dreams.
Running a business as a part-time entrepreneur is hard work, especially if you’re wearing many hats. And you’ve probably got other obligations, like working a full-time job, part-time job, or going to school. Getting organized will make juggling your responsibilities as a business owner easier. When you’re organized, you can make the most of your limited time, instead of feeling like everything is a priority and there’s not enough time to do it all. Ready to ditch the overwhelm? Let’s get into 3 practical ways to organize your business as a part-time entrepreneur, so that you can run your business with ease.
A project management tool is a software that helps you keep track of tasks, workflows, and other information. Three popular ones in the world of online entrepreneurship are Trello, ClickUp, and Asana.
I used a paper planner when I first started my business, but eventually switched to using a project management tool because it makes it easier to plan ahead, keep track of all the different areas of your business, and systematize things. For example, I currently use ClickUp. It allows me to keep track of my weekly tasks, create content calendars, create workflow templates for my client projects, and more – all in one place.
I recommend starting simply when first diving into project management tools, and choosing one that fits your organization style. Here’s a quick overview of Asana vs. Trello vs. ClickUp to help you choose:
(Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I only share about products that I truly believe in!)
Asana, ClickUp, and Trello all have free versions available, with plenty of features to help you get started!
Planning in advance has been a game changer for my business, although I’m not always as disciplined as I should be. On Sunday nights, I like to sit down and brain dump all of my tasks for the week. Then, I go into ClickUp and decide which tasks I’ll work on each day.
Then, when it’s time for me to get to work on Monday morning, I already have a clear view of what needs to be done. If I don’t get through my list, I can always move a task to another day.
Eliminating unnecessary tasks will make getting organized and staying on track easier, too. My free guide, “How to Grow Your Business When You Have Limited Time” talks about how to focus and protect your time. Subscribe to my Free Resource Library for access!
Blocking and batching aren’t things that I do all the time, but I know that there are some people who love it!
Time blocking is when you go into your calendar and block out you work hours and specify when you will work on each task.
Batching is when you group similar tasks together, and get them all knocked out. For example, you could write 4 blog posts for the month in one day, instead of writing one a week.
I typically only use time blocking when I feel like my time is super limited and I’ve got a lot going on. Batching has been really helpful for me when it comes to things like creating Instagram or Pinterest content! You can batch the next week, two weeks, or a whole month! It’s all about finding what’s doable for you.
There you have it! 3 easy ways to organize your business as a part-time entrepreneur. Most of these things don’t take long to set up, it’s all about finding what works for you and being disciplined about sticking to your tools and systems. Of course, this is life, and things won’t always go as planned. Give yourself grace, be flexible with your plans, and get back on track when you can.
Get my free guide, “How to Grow Your Business When You Have Limited Time” to help you run your part-time business with less overwhelm. Subscribe to my Free Resource Library for access to the guide, my brand + website checklist, and weekly business tips in your inbox.