web design
I support creative business owners in accomplishing their design dreams.
As creative service providers who are often working one-on-one or in small groups, we have the opportunity to truly personalize our interactions with clients and let them know we care. Here are 3 client experience tips for creatives to help you serve your clients well.
While every client’s personality is different, they might not always express any worries or frustrations candidly with you.
So how will you know if something is bothering your client that they’re not talking about? Actions speak louder than words.
As a creative, it’s likely that the product or service you provide will affect both your client’s business and personal life.
Even if you think that you are just serving a client’s business, knowing them on a more personal level will help you serve them better.
On one of the questionnaires that I send web design clients at the beginning of a project, I ask why they started their business. This one question usually uncovers a lot more insight about the passion and drive that is fueling their business. I can incorporate this into their branding and web design, which will help them make more authentic connections with their audience.
When the project is almost finished, I send my web design clients a Launch Plan Workbook. This helps them to start planning ways that they can drive traffic to their site in the months after it launches.
In the workbook, I share some of my favorite resources, such as a course on writing a marketing plan, a course on Pinterest marketing, and the links to some of my YouTube tutorials.
Even though they haven’t asked for help with their marketing, I know that these questions might arise and am being proactive by meeting their needs before they even realize that they need help.
Which of these client experience tips was your favorite and how will you implement it in your business? You can find me on Instagram @mayapalmerdesigns. I will be making a post about this episode, you can leave your comment on the post or feel free to DM me!